Saturday, January 3, 2015

Jan. 3, 2015

Got up around 9:30 this morning and woke up Kenzie because she had to go clean Omi’s house (she does it every other week or as needed).

I put the pictures Kenzies done with the kids in my coffee table under the glass, I love it!


The kids got up and ate breakfast, then they played for a little bit until Omi came to get Kenzie. They were so excited to see her and they showed her their room (like they always do with OMI and POPI) haha.

Then my mom and dad stopped by, they were right around the corner clearing snow from the driveway for a home for pregnant mothers.

The kids were super excited to see them, they were picking on Papa, playing with his hair and stuff. They both made cards for Nana and Papa and Isaac wanted me to draw the superman symbol in his card for Papa and Peyton wanted me to draw a princess in her card for Nana. They just love it when Nana and Papa come over! So do I :)

This is a video of Papa playing with my kids:




After Nana and Papa left, the kids needed a nap. Peyton slept in her room and I laid down with Isaac in my room. I tried to go to sleep, but was thinking too much (like I always do) so I got up. The kids slept til 5:45pm

When they woke up Rody made pancakes, sausage, and eggs for dinner. It was so yummy!

Here is a pic Rody took of Isaac, so techy just like his daddy!


Peyton loves wearing her slippers from Phyllis :)

We watched some Undercover Boss and some Elevation Church for a little bit. Then I decided to clean out the toy-box and all the bins in the kids room. It was not fun doing it with them being awake. Everytime I wanted to throw something away they would ask me why and say awe! Haha

Got that done, and Omi and Popi brought Kenzie home. Then I got the kids in bed and now we are watching some more Undercover Boss.

Im super tired so when this one is over, Im off to bed! 

Got to talk to Kimmy tonight…highlight of my day haha! She is coming home tomorrow…I CANT WAIT!!! She has had a great time, and Im sure they are sad to leave! But I need her! lol

Well til tomorrow,


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