Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year 2015

Wow I cant believe its already 2015! Im still getting used to writing out 2014 haha.

Rody let me sleep in today so I didnt even wake up til 11am! I was so tired, I didnt hear a thing. 

I got up and ate breakfast, the kids had already eaten their breakfast. Then we did a little finger painting (their first time) and coloring. While they were coloring, they told me they were drawing letters. Peytons picture looks like she was trying to spell William haha not really. And Isaacs picture spells DOG haha, can you see it? They dont really know what letters they were drawing but its kinda cool they can even make letters at their age…or maybe its normal, who knows!

Peyton really liked rubbing it all over herself ugh! Isaac of course was very neat with it…hes just a neat boy with everything. He kept telling on Peyton because she was getting it on her arms…and that just wasnt right…in his eyes lol!

Here is Peytons drawing. She even traced the P which I thought was very good :)

And here is Isaacs, see the word DOG? My brilliant boy haha

Then we ate lunch, and my mom called and I told her all clothing is only .99 cents at Salvation Army today, so we decided to go. 

We got a ton of clothes, and my mom found 2 freezer bags full of real legos for only $5.80 for all of them! They are really nice legos too! We went to my moms house, took them all apart and counted every piece, we had a total of 688 pieces. I figured we would have 700, my mom guessed 500, and my dad said he thought there was about 300. Looks like I guessed right being only 12 legos from my guess hahahaha. A little while ago, I counted a set my mom and dad got off ebay, so I guess I just have the lego counting gift now lol!

this is before we took them all apart and counted them…when we did the guessing haha

and all neatly separated! O and it came with 2 lego guys :)

Mel and Bruce came to my moms with the kids to pick up Abby and Melissa was telling us some funny stories of things she had happen to her in the last few weeks, we were cracking up!

I left there and came home, Peyton was already awake asking me what I got for her, and Isaac was just waking up. I went in and got him and then showed them the stuff I found. A dress up dress for Peyton, and 2 pair of newish looking pj’s for Isaac, also a yo gabba gabba shirt for Isaac, and another shirt for Peyton. I got alot of good stuff!

Peytons cute little poodle skirt dress up dress :) She loved it!!!

Then we had dinner and doughnuts and just hung out before bed. 

Im so tired! 


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