Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Today we got up and didnt do anything all day. Just laid around!

This girl is a hoot!

This boy is totally potty trained during the day!!! Woo hoo!

Tonight we went to our friends house from Church, Taya and her hubby Chris. They had us and some other people over and also Angie and Jason (more friends from church) And they had their kids there too.

We ate sloppy joes and just hung out for a little bit, our kids were very tired and crazy hyped up on sugar. We were all ready to leave around 10ish.

Chris has a studio and asked us if we wanted a tour, we said yes! It was amazing! Just like you would see in the movies! Reminded me alot of the studio in the show Parenthood. It was sooo cool to see! When he shut the door, the room is so sound proof that it kinda makes you dizzy! Its kinda like when your ears pop but its not uncomfortable, its just weird feeling. But super cool to experience! He is a hard worker and you can tell in the little bit that he showed us. He hired someone to do the drywall for the separate rooms, but he did everything else on his own! I am just so blown away at how awesome it was! I sure wish I would of snapped a pic or two. 

O and Peyton was totally comfortable with him, she talked to him the whole time we were in the room, and for anyone who knows Peyton, she is usually not the type of kid who just talks to anyone haha. She loved him for some reason!

We came home, got the kids in bed, and then just hung out until the ball dropped. I kissed Rody at midnight and we took some pics, but I am so tired I decided to go to bed after writing my blog…dont want to get behind lol ;)

Well Happy New Year everyone! 

This is my first pic of 2015…had to post it haha


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