Thursday, December 18, 2014

Dec. 18, 2014

Today we got up and ate breakfast and then did the letter of the day which was T. I drew a pic of a Turtle and the kids said, that the turtle wasnt scary haha,,,thats good I guess!image

Then we got ready and went shopping. We first went to TJ Max, then Old Navy, then to the Mall. We got gifts for Daddy, including a belt which we gave him this evening because his broke and he needed one haha.

I got a ton of deals at the mall, including a coat for Peyton, and some outfits for them to wear to my dads side of the family Christmas party.


heres Isaacs outfit…I love his sweater


here is Peytons dress, which shes gunna wear pink tights with and a gray sweater.


and here is Peytons new coat and jeans.


and I got this sweater to go with my black leggings

We were all tired from shopping so we came home ate a quick lunch and then I put the kids down for a nap. I just relaxed in my new chair for a little bit.

When Rody got home we decided to go to KFC for dinner. The lady asked Peyton if she wanted Mac and Cheese for her side dish and Peyton said “No Ill have 2 chicken nuggets and a water!” We all laughed about it.

Then we went to Walmart to get the kids gift exchange gifts. It was a very fun night!

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