Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dec. 23, 2014

Not too much to say about my day but here it goes. 

I dropped Kenzie off at wrestling practice today and went to a couple different stores to do some gift exchanges for sizes. Then we went and picked up Kenzie and went home. We ate McDonalds for lunch. 

The kids took a nap, and around 5pm, Vershon came over to pick something up so I woke the kids up so they could say Hi. Aunt Ann was in the car so we waved at her too. 

Kenzie went to babysit a lady from churches grandkids. She got home about 9pm and made $40. She was pretty excited about that. But she sure had a few crazy stories to tell me about her time at the ladys house haha.

Here are a few of the things I can remember. 

The kids got paint on their pjs, and they were from out of town, so Kenzie washed the paint out as best as she could and put the clothes back on the kids and they were complaining about the dampness, but Kenzie didnt know where any of their stuff was.

Then before the lady left, she said to make sure the kids dont go down 2 of her hallways, but the kids ran down the one and when Kenzie told them not too, they ran down the other hallway and all 3 of them hid on Kenzie. She didnt know where the lights were and she said there were like 10 bedrooms. hahaha

Then the baby (1 yr) Ate some playdough

Then they all were supposed to have ice cream cones…so Kenzie gave them to them, and went to the bathroom, since their 18 year old uncle was there…he was sick and stayed in the basement the whole time. But he came upstairs for a bit…so well she was in the bathroom they all finished their ice cream (supposedly). Later on when she was cleaning up she found all 3 soggy ice cream cones in a treasure chest.

That was just some of her stories haha

She made it home safe. So thats good!

Rody went to bed around 8pm and so did the kids. Rody has to be to work at 2am so he can make it out in time for the party at my moms tomorrow. We have to be there at 9. HES GUNNA BE TIRED! :(

I just wrapped all of our gifts we are taking over there tomorrow. And now I am going to take a bath and get in bed! Im exhausted!

Sorry no pics today…for sure tomorrow! Cant wait to spend the day with my family!!! 

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