Mykenzie is now 17…holy moly let me just say that 17 is absolutely the roughest year for a mom! Wow! She is amazing, she’s loving, she is giving, she can strike up a conversation with anyone and hold it! She is so artistic, she’s so much fun! Peyton and Isaac love her to death! Peyton is always telling me Kenzie is her best friend! She is very smart! I just love her! We have rough and tough days but I know God has her heart! She is a very good wrestler!
Peyton is 3 now she is witty and goofy. She says the cutest and funniest things. She loves to dance. She is very smart. She is shy, but once she feels comfortable opens up quickly. She is a dancer and a singer. And she loves everyone and she is very helpful when she wants to be lol. She loves Jesus! She loves her grandmas and her Aunts a lot!
Isaac is also 3 now and he is very different from Peyton. He is quiet, but loud when you least expect him to be. He can fake whistle better than anyone. He likes things a certain way! If I leave a cupboard open, he will keep telling me it’s open til I shut it. He loves to worship Jesus! When I put Christian music on he is raising his hands and usually closing his eyes :)
He likes to dance to the beat, and if he can’t get his rhythm right he won’t dance. He always says “daddy is my best friend!” He loves to climb in my lap and snuggle but when daddy gets here, he is a total daddy’s boy. He can’t stand a little string being where it shouldn’t be….he will pull on the string and tells me when a hole appears. If he sees a piece of lint on the floor he will always pick it up and bring it to me.
He has the biggest, most cutest dimples! He always tells me “Jesus lives in my heart all day!”
He loves Jesus! Such a sweet boy! So very sensitive!
These 3 people are my life!
Here are some pis from the last 3 years:
silly faces
Me and Kenzie
sissy snuggles
this is when she had the sides of her head shaved
She won 2nd place in her weight class that day…only girl on the team
Kenzies wrestling team 2014, they won 1st place in the tournament that day
hes like…can you get her please haha
look at them muscles haha
Kenzie shot this buck her first time hunting
my babies
our first family pic
Isaac left Peyton right
A dead deer foot ew!
Sumo baby
stick that lip out boy
so apparently she was an Ohio State fan this day haha
Sumo wrestlers haha
they are inlove
she was making fun of how i eat my ice cream
camping cutie pies
love the eyes
This is the first week he went in the pool, he loved it! And fell asleep in his floaty thing
haha this pic always makes me laugh…her expression!
he is a cute little bubble baby
you can take the girl out of the farm but you cant take the farm out of the girl lol
getting ready to shoot the cross bow
I miss these days
baby bums are the cutest
I guess shes scared of batman
the day before his haircut
She pins him
first win I got to see GO KENZIE
beautiful girl
he just had a hair cut here
my little family!
I just love her to pieces
They sure love their nana! We were camping here!
no one could ever replace them!
All her natural hair
my and my #1 lady
She was in the warrior dash!
I love how hes looking at her
twins have the most fun…trust me…I know!
His first baby
we love this boys dimples
silly faces
Kisses for our dog izzy…wait maybe she is wrestling her lol
dressed up for Easter
my baby
huge smiles
we like to make faces
me and my first love
is she beautiful or what?
Grammy with my babies (She is Rodys mom)
Kenzie on homecoming day 2013
I love these guys
my men!
daddys girl
she acts tough
me and my boo
Kenzie holding a praying mantis
first time riding a tricycle
peyton and me
Isaac and me
Mykenzie and I
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