Friday, December 19, 2014

Dec. 19, 2014

Today we got up ate some waffles and then just hung out til lunch. The kids ate PB&J’s and some fruit snacks and some cheese popcorn…their favorite!

Then I gave Isaac a haircut…turned out good…I really like him in short hair the best!


not a very good pic, but its the only one I got haha

Around 2pm I put them in their room for a nap. And worked on Kenzies Christmas gift from Rody and I. I guess I can put a pic on here since I know she wont read this lol



The front is actually a light turquoise color and the back is gray. Its really big, as you can see, Its on my king size bed in the picture. I worked on it from 2pm til 4pm and then wrote a note on a pillowcase in permanent marker and rolled it into the blanket before I tied the last few knots. Just as I was putting it away, Bryce and his dad dropped Kenzie off cuz she puked at school…that was close!

Then Rody got home and the kids woke up, we ate dinner and then just sat around until about 8pm. Gave them a bath, and cut their nails, and then got them ready for bed. They danced with ballet videos on youtube, and Peyton was really into trying to do the same moves the girls were doing, it was so cute!

Then the kids snuggled with Daddy before I put them in bed. 


you can see Isaacs hair cut in this pic better I guess, o well!

Isaac was being naughty so I told him to go to his room so he went in there and started crying, so Peyton yelled “We dont wanna hear that!!!” We all laughed, Peyton always says the funniest things. Then she said “Can we just rest mommy? Instead of going to bed tonight?” I was like NOPE haha

Well I am going to dye my hair before our Christmas party for my dads side of the family tomorrow. :)


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