Thursday, December 11, 2014

The very start of things...

Well hello there! My name is Vikki. I come from a family of 5 and we are a very happy family! We are super duper close and have a lot of love for one another! My 2 sisters and I grew up in a very small town. We have always been church go’ers our whole life, and we all love Jesus…He is our #1 guy!!!
He has done so many miracles in our family and in our friends lives throughout the years…we just know that He is the Lord, the one true God, the one who saves, the one who heals, and the one who lives in us! He’s Awesome! And that doesn’t begin to describe Him!
My Dad and Mom’s names are Bill & Penny…they always introduce themselves and then say “we’re the family that makes cent’s!” Haha I always laugh when they say it!
They have been great parents over the years!
I went to a public school through 2nd grade, then went to a small Christian school til I was in 5th grade then transferred to a different Christian school through 11th grade. My senior year I transferred back to my old public school, with my twin sister Kimmy, and my best friend since 7th grade Jana and we all graduated together in 1996! Woo hoo! Go Huskies! lol
I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up so I did some basic classes at a nearby college, but never did anything with those classes. 😪 Boo! STAY IN SCHOOL KIDS!
My friend Jana was going to a local beauty college, so I decided to try that out too. 💇💅
I was working at a Burger King at the time, and my sister Kimmy was my manager…the best manager ever!
My sister Kimmy started taking ju-jitsu classes from a close friend of ours, his name was Foster and another guy named Jim. We started going to Fosters house a lot and he got us going to this other place where Jim was teaching and I got pretty close to Jim. We started to hang out more and more and then started going to his house and one thing led to another and the next thing I know, we were dating. This was all going on in September of 1996.
By February of 1997, I was pregnant. 😔 I didn’t find out until I was like 12 or maybe more weeks along…I was 19 years old, didn’t really pay attention to detail back then.
So I had my older sister Melissa take me to the Dr and on the way there I told her “I think I could be pregnant!” She just hugged me, I’m sure she was completely shocked! And she went into the office and got the news with me.
I was panicking about telling my mom and dad…wow! How do you tell your Christian parents that your pregnant! I told my mom first cuz my dad wasn’t home. Then I left and she told my dad. Let me tell you, my dad was MAD! I think he punched the wall and put a hole in it. But when I got home, he looked at me and said “come here” wow, I was so scared! I sat down by him on the couch and he hugged me. I cried!
Of course I decided to have the baby and named her Mykenzie. Her dad didn’t want a baby so except for a few visits here and there, he stayed away. He made himself feel better by denying that he was her father…his loss!
Mykenzie was born on November 11, 1997, the day she was born, was the day I was changed forever! Once you go through labor and deliver your innocent little baby and then hold them for the first time…o wow, you will never be the same. My mom, my sisters, and my best friend Jana joined me for this amazing experience. And I was the one who got to cut her cord! 😁

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