Sunday, December 14, 2014

First time daddy.

I forgot to mention that in 2008, Mykenzie was 11 years old and Rody adopted Mykenzie. 

We had to get a lawyer and get the papers drawn up. We had Jim served with the papers to wave his rights as a father, since he was never around anyways. I actually got ahold of him and he agreed to go to my lawers office and sign off on her. Then when we did the adoption we found out he was in jail so he had to be there via phone call from the juvenile center. We got all the paperwork signed and the adoption was final. When we were changing her last name to our last name, our lawyer asked if we wanted to change her middle name to have Rodys name put in hers somehow. So he asked Rody what his middle name was and Rody said Dewayne…so the lawyer said how bout Mykenzie Nicole Dewayna…hahahaha we sure got a good laugh out of that one. We just stuck with Mykenzie Monroe.imageShe is and will forever be his baby girl.

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