Monday, December 29, 2014

Dec. 28, 2014

Today we got up and went to church. My pastor preached the best sermon I have ever heard him preach! We were so excited to see Stacie and Kody at church today!!!

After church we went home and Bryce came over so we watched movies until he left.

Then Madi came over to spend the night. We always have so much fun with her. We were laughing so hard we were crying…about a few different things lol. After the kids went to bed, we were watching youtube videos. And decided to make some of our own videos. Here are 2 we made. They are so dumb they are funny!

Here is Kenzies no arm makeup tutorial challenge:

And here is Madis no arm makeup tutorial challenge:

Here is their finished looks:

After the makeup tutorials we decided to play, touch my body. Its a game where one person is blind folded and the other one takes the blindfolded persons finger and puts it on their body, then the blind folded person has to guess what part of the body it is. It is so funny!!!

 when Kenzie did this Madi didnt know what it was haha

When Kenzie did this Madi guessed it was her butt hahahaha. We sure laughed hard tonight!!!!!!

I was looking at the pics of the twins (above) and I decided to make a pic using one of their pics from when they were younger. I love how close they are.

 it turned out like this and I love it!!!

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