Saturday, December 20, 2014

Dec. 20, 2014

Woke up this morning and was so happy to see that Rody got up with the kids and they were in the kitchen making pancakes…I slept in til almost 10am. 

I had a whole list of things I needed to do before we had to go to the Schaard family Christmas party at my mom and dads house.

Got everything done and we left.

When we got there only Kimmy and Jared were there. So we helped mom a little bit before people started coming. Then by 3 people started coming. It was so nice hanging out with family, some from far away.

My Aunt Debbie had ornaments made for all the kids, little ginger bread men and girls haha.  They were so cute! The kids were all so excited to open them. Aunt Debbie had a wrestling ornament made for Kenzie, what a great idea! She even replaced the one that says Our first Christmas 2004 for Rody and I, Isaac broke ours a couple weeks ago. She always thinks of everything and everyone. She really is so sweet!

Mom made her fabulous traditional Christmas meal, and it all tasted so so good, as it always does! I cant believe how much work she puts into making it so special for everyone…Dad too!

Here are some pics from the party

this is my cousin Matthew and I, he is so special to me, and I love him so so much!!!

this is my mom and my Aunt Debbie, she is my dads sister

Peyton really wanted to get in the picture so we took another one lol


Kenzie and Aunt Debbie

My Dad and Aunt Debbie (brother and sister)

Me and my Auntie

haha this pic makes me laugh, we had a little trouble getting my Uncle Tom to take this pic, and when I got home I noticed his eyes are closed hahaha o man, I need to start checking my pictures, to make sure they are ok o well!

my 3 babies all looking

Aunt Lourdes (My dads brothers wife) and Kenzie and Peyton…Kenzie jumped in this picture :)

 Aunt Lourdes and Uncle Freddy with Peyton

Isaac and Aunt Debbie

Aunt Debbie with all 10 Kidos after they got their ornaments from her…so cute!

These are Peyton and Isaacs up close :)

This is Rody and My ornament up close :)


And this is Kenzies awesome ornament up close…love this!

Peyton and Aunt Debbie


My Awesome mom and dad! Love them to pieces!!!

Kenzie and Bryce

Rody and I with our ornament :)

Kenzie and Aunt Debbie

Ever since Peyton spent the night at Aunt Kimmys, she loves Uncle Jared…she tells me all the time. She says “mom I love Uncle Jared now, I like to Jump on him!” haha this girl

Kenzie and Bryce

It was such a fun party, so comfortable! It always is at my moms house! After we left, Peyton and Isaac were asleep by the time we got about a mile down the road, they were so tired from not getting a nap all day. Kenzie spent the night at my mom and dads.

Now I am getting ready for bed!


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