Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!!!

This morning we woke up at 9am, Rody went in and woke the kids up and I got Kenzie up and we all opened gifts in the living room…It was so fun to watch the kids now that they are 3. They get so excited about stuff!

Kenzie loved the blanket I made her, shes been using it all day! And the Kids sure love the jumpoline…they have been in it all day haha


Peyton and her first set of fake nails lol


Isaacs spiderman poncho


these are shoe laces and huge beads


they each got a smartwatch Isaacs is blue


Isaac and Peyton in the jumpoline



This is the fleece blanket I made for Kenzie


Kenzie made this with the kids for me and Rody…she is so clever and such a thoughtful big sister and daughter!

I made breakfast and we all ate, then the kids played with their new toys until Mom and Dad came over. They come over every Christmas. The kids showed Nana and Papa all their toys and stuff. 


When nana and papa left, I put the kids down for a nap while I curled Kenzies hair and straightened mine. Then we all got ready and went to Rodys moms house for Christmas with his family. We ate yummy dressing that Aunt Ann makes every year…its my favorite food ever! We all opened gifts, the kids and Kenzie got so much great stuff…clothes, and I mean a ton of clothes, wow, toys, another bouncy jumpoline, different than the one we already have so that will be fun! Some really cool pillows that open up and turn into a little lap table with a place for your cup…Isaacs is a lion and Peytons is a dog, they love them and wanted to sleep with them tonight lol. Kenzie got a super cool bracelet making kit, and a beautiful jewelry music box, and the prettiest little locket, both ingraved by Grammy. I got a gift card to Tim Hortons…my favorite! And a sweatshirt just like my 3 kids have, its so warm inside! Ive been wanting one! O my gosh, I cant believe all the stuff we all got, we are truly blessed! Its always fun to spent time with Rodys family! I love them so much!!! 


Peyton sitting by Shon Shon watching Dora


Isaac decided he wanted in on the Shon Shon action haha…my kids love this guy! we all do!!!




Kenzies jewelry box inscribed by Grammy!


Kenzies locket, LOVE THIS!!!


I love this girl, last Christmas as a non adult! :(


PeyPey in her horse PJ’s from Omi and Popi

We came home and the kids went crazy playing with all their new toys from the last couple days, they are in toy heaven right now haha! I didnt get them in bed til after 10pm and they were so so hyper! They fell asleep right away! 


I love having my cold and hot thermos mug and bottle from my mom and day…used them all day :)

It was such a nice day. We are so blessed with all the people in our life, friends and family! I just love them to pieces!!! 

Merry Christmas everyone!


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