Friday, December 26, 2014

Dec. 26, 2014

We got up this s morning and went with my sister Melissa and my niece Hailey to her eye Dr appointment. Melissa surprised me with a cappuccino…yum! Thanks Mel!
We got to Haileys appointment and she got her eyes tested and sure enough, she needed glasses! We picked out a few cute pairs but she found the cutest pair all by herself. She looks so cute in them!



Mel brought me home and I got the kids ready and went over to my mom and dads for Christmas dinner leftovers…yummy! Then we watched #deathtoselfie, naming rights…the last one of the series! So so so so good! The kids played while we watched it.







I had to go pick up Kenzie at her biological grandmas house. She celebrated Christmas with them and her cousins and Aunt today. She got a lot of nice stuff. This girl is spoiled! But I’ll call her BLESSED :)

We came home and Kenzie went to babysit for a lady from churches grandkids. Me Rody and the kids went and walked the mall and got a couple things, then we went to Best Buy. Rody got me a new phone case…with his Christmas gift cards…he’s so sweet! O and I got a megaphone with a gift card for JCPenneys…which I love! Haha I’m the worst yelled…ask Rody!


Kenzie got this shirt tonight so I made her show off her wrestling muscles in it haha


my megaphone haha

Then Kenzie came and got me and Peyton and we went to Goodwill where she got tons of cute clothes and cute boots!

Then we came home and I used my megaphone and gave everyone headaches haha.

Im going to try and post a video clip of my cute fish…it loves me! It acts this way everytime I come up to its bowl.

Then we got the kids in bed and just sat around. It was a fun day! Now off to bed :)

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