Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dec. 30, 2014

Today I woke up around 8:30 am listening for my kids and then I remembered they were at my moms house so I went back to sleep til around 10am. It felt so nice to sleep in, even though my kids sleep til at least 9am everyday :) good kids! haha

I had to pick Kenzie up from wrestling practice at noon so I decided to go do some thrifting before I got her…with no kids  :) It was nice! I got a whole bag of really nice silverware, a pair of shorts for PeyPey, a sweater for Peyton (which is super nice!), and a shirt for Isaac!

Here is Peytons sweater, everything else is being washed:


Then I picked up Kenzie and we went to my mom and dads to get the kids! They were being crazy after I got there so I decided to leave as soon as they were done with their lunch. 

Here are some pictures my mom posted from the sleepover 2014:










She said it was fun, but she was very busy lol. I told her next year would be 10 times easier haha. Thank you mom and dad for doing this! What a special memory! Im not sure you will have 10 grandkids for the sleepover ever again, I hope so, but who knows what Kenzie will be doing next year at this time. :(

When we got home the kids were being super crabby and whiny…It was very annoying, so I put them down for a nap right away! They fell asleep so quickly (which never happens) so I know they were tired! My mom said they were up late last night.

When they woke up Kenzie made them dinner and they ate good. Then they played for a while until it was time to get ready for bed. We cleaned up all the toys and then got jammies on and then I let them play with the duplo legos Kimmy gave us…they were so excited!


Here are the ice cream cones Isaac got from Eli for Christmas. THEY LOVE THEM!!! They were making us every different kind of ice cream cone. When they weren’t looking, I would take the ice cream off and hide it and say it was in my tummy, and they kept getting me more haha. What a cute idea for legos!



Peyton loved this airplane, she wanted to sleep with it tonight haha

Then we read the Bible, brushed teeth, then prayed and the kids went to bed.

O I cant forget about Kenzie, my sweet 17 year old (fun age) :(

She got pretty mouthy with me so I had her sit and write “I will not talk back to my mom” 100 times, then she got mouthy again so I cranked it up to 500 times. Thanks for the idea Kimmy! She started this with her boys, and I used to do it with Kenzie when she was younger, but its nice to know, it still works at 17. :) 


I sure love her though. xoxo

night night


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