Thursday, December 11, 2014

The start of my testimony...and my love

So like I said, I started partying and going to the bar with my friends, Jana and Danyelle, like 2-4 nights a week. We were the partying trio haha. We lived in a duplex and it seems like all we did was party. There was a lot of smoking, drinking, sex, and even some drugs…it was completely a horrible environment…but it seemed like so much fun! I had a major potty mouth and I didn’t even care what came out of my mouth! I listened to secular music and loved it!
One night I met a guy named Rody, a regular at one of the bar’s we went too, back in 1998. We never hung out outside the bar scene, but we clicked and were bar buds for quite a long time. He was dating someone, and I was dating a guy named Andrew at the time. And when those relationships didn’t work out, we took a little break from the bar…well we started going less and less at least. I hadn’t seen Rody in quite some time.
I always kind of had a crush on Black Rodney from the Trough, which is what we called him for the longest time hahah…sometimes I still call him that lol! Well, he’s black hahah.
It had been a while since I seen or even talked to Rody….ha it’s Rody…not Rodney!
I was living in some apartments and one day I noticed Rody was delivering pizza at the apartment building next door. So I stopped and talked to him…still called him Rodney at this point hahaha. I gave him my phone number and told him to call me.
He called a couple hours later and I ignored the call…haha I got nervous since I am completely socially nervous when I don’t have alcohol in my blood. But something told me to call him back, so I did.
We decided to go to a bar that evening and listen to a local band we really liked. That became a regular thing for us for a while.

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