Sunday, December 14, 2014


my last pregnant photo, before bed rest in the hospital

On September 6, 2011 my precious babies were born. And it all started with these 2 embryos.
God is amazing at what He does! My water broke and I delivered them via csection at 29 weeks and 2 days. Very early for babies to be born
My little girl Peyton was born first weighing 2 pounds 14 ounces.
My little boy Isaac was born 2 minutes later weighing 3 pounds.
I was in and out of it during my csection and remember seeing Peyton for a couple seconds but I don’t really remember anything else.
They took them to the NICU right away.
We finally got to go to the NICU and meet our tiny babies around 11:00pm. They pushed me up in a wheel chair. When I saw them, I was so emotional. They were so so tiny! Their legs were smaller than my finger.
Isaac was on a ventilator, Peyton was just on oxygen. And they were both on feeding tubes, and had tons of wires coming out of them and IV’s. We couldn’t touch them!

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