Sunday, December 14, 2014

Reason for my work...

So in 2006 a lady named Kim called me and told me her husband got a referral to give to someone for a position where he worked, which paid good money! I didn’t even know this lady or her husband, but they went to my church and they said God laid it on their hearts to give the referral to me. I was so excited!
So I worked there and loved it! I had great bosses and made great life long friends.
In 2010 I gave my life 100% to God. Then at the end of the year in 2010 we all found out that they were offering a buy down and a buy out to employees who have been there for a certain amount of time.
A buy down is when you go from your pay down to another pay, which in my case would of been $2 less an hour and they would give you a check for $25,000.00
The buy out was $40,000.00 at the time to leave the company.
I discussed this with Rody and we decided that I should take the buy down so we could do a round of IVF to try to have a baby.
It’s just so amazing that if I would have had less time in the company, I wouldn’t of even qualified for the buy down. I mean I didn’t even know the people who gave me my referral, yet God laid it on their hearts to give it to me.

I just absolutely knew God worked this all out so we could afford IVF…I knew it would work because I knew God was leading me finally! When you let God direct you, everything falls into complete order!

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