Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Jan 6, 2015

Today I got up around 9, waiting for the kids to wake up…but they didn’t wake up until 10:45. I was totally shocked! Isaac was up coughing all night and they both didn’t have naps yesterday but I never thought they would of slept that long…or I would of gone back to bed! My mom came over for a minute and dropped off some shampoo and conditioner, some dish detergent, and some air freshener  …thanks mom!

After the kids woke up we ate breakfast, and played. Then I was talking to Kimmy on the phone and I noticed the kids were super quiet, and I saw Isaac taking water to his room. When I went in their room there was water everywhere. Water in the shopping cart, water in the play kitchen sink, water all over the floor, water in toys to the kitchen, and a bin with water in it about 2 inches high. Peyton said they were going to take a bath. I told them they were going to take a nap and so they needed to clean up. Peyton said “awe, why?” And I said “why do you think?” and she said “because, I like to think!” She is so funny sometimes! We had a few photo shoots today as you can see lol Peyton wanted to take a ton of pics with Izzy, usually its Isaac asking to take pics with her. lol

Here is a video of the kids…they hang out in this thing most of the day…its the best toy I have ever owned…other than it being huge hahaha Thanks  Vershon!















They took a nap and I took a nap too, they only slept for about an hour. But I got some rest, thank God! I have been so tired lately…probably from staying up past midnight every night lately! I am going to bed tonight as soon as I am done writing this! 

We ate dinner, and watched Tinkerbell. Then I got the kids in bed!  Now I guess I am going to take a quick bath before bed, it will give my heating blanket time to worm up ;)


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