Friday, January 30, 2015

Jan. 30, 2015

This morning I woke up and took Kenzie to school, then I got home and straightened my hair…just cuz I havent in a long time! haha

Kimmy and Eli came over around 9:30am and then shortly after that Melissa and my mom came over.

Mel was so excited to see Evan, and Evan was so excited to finally see his mommy. He hasnt seen her since Tuesday evening. She sat in the chair with her knee elevated almost the whole time. I was so happy to hang out with her all day. And Kimmy and Mom too, and all the kids.


My friend Karen came for a few minutes and dropped off the dresses she borrowed for her daughter Lexi. None of them worked out, but at least I got to see her, I never see her anymore, so its fun when I do! O and Karen brought a cookie for Peyton and Isaac. 

We had PB&J’s for lunch…but I forgot to make me one and didnt notice until I was starving around 4pm haha

After lunch Dad stopped in to visit. It was so nice seeing him too! The kids played and we all knitted pretty much until everyone left. It was fun! I got the 3rd section done to my blanket and it is really looking nice (to me). I love it! 



Eli in Papa’s hat


Isaac asked me to take a pic of his face like this, not sure why lol


I asked Isaac if he wanted to spend the night at Aunt Kimmys, and he said nope! He  was hinting the whole time after that, that he wasnt going, it was Peyton that was going haha it was funny! So Peyton went home with them, since I have Kenzies wrestling tournament tomorrow and Kimmy lives close to where it is.

Mom and Kimmy and Eli left with Peyton…Im sure going to miss her!

Melissa stayed and had Bruce pick her up when he picked the kids up from school. The kids came with him to pick her and Evan up, and they were so excited to see Evan, especially Jack!  The whole day, Evan had been stuck to Melissa, but when Jack got here, he was so so so excited and running around playing with him!

Omi dropped in to pick up some clothes for Addisyn (my niece on Omi’s side} so she could wear them to Kenzies wrestling tournament tomorrow. Mel and her family left shortly after Omi left.

Then after I sewed my blanket together, I decided to go browse the thrift stores before I picked up Kenzie. I havent been thrifting since I started knitting lol


On our way home, Kenzie wanted to see what was for dinner so she texted Rody, and we were cracking up the whole way home about what she was saying to him LOL


When we got home we ate dinner. Then I gave Isaac a piece of yarn, and he played with it almost all evening.  LOL The cheap things that keep kids busy smh

Isaac is so quiet and so much fun on his own :)


Then I knitted while watching a show on Netflix. Then got Isaac in bed, his big boy bed which he was super excited about! We took some great pics of Kenzie with Isaacs toy gun. haha


Then I just knitted some more, til I got too tired. So I did my blog and Kimmy sent me a pic of Peyton on their air mattress in the boys room, so cute! I sure miss my Sweets! Well I am going to bed, night!


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