Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June 10, 2015

This morning I got up and got the kids breakfast and then went to Kroger to get some groceries. I came home and got them all out away and then Kimmy and the boys came over. We hung out for a little bit, then ate lunch and then headed over to the spray park for a cool down. The kids had a lot of fun in the water. Poor Jacob and Adam were over the 4ft mark so they weren't allowed to really play in the water much. But they ended up having fun. My mom came too! Then we all headed back to my house. We played outside for a few min but it was too hot and there were too many bugs so we came inside. The boys watched Mia the Bee, and the other little kids played. Me and Kimmy and my mom visited. After they all left we ate a Dijorno pizza and then went to Target so the kids could  spend their gift cards from Uncle Jay. They had fun! They each got sleeping bags. Isaac got a teenage mutant ninja turtle play dough set and Peyton got a frozen book with the little characters and a little map. She wanted it since we played with it at Jessica's house. She likes to play with the characters in the play dough...Isaac too! After target we went for a walk on the rail trail while the kids rode their bikes. We came home and they played with all their stuff and now they are camping out in the living room with Kenzie in their new sleeping bags :) now I am going to bed.
Here are some pics from today:
Me and Kimmy had asparagus for lunch...yum!

Isaac showing Nana how he flips on the treadmill haha
Eli's turn 

Isaac got to help me wash dishes tonight
Here are their sleeping bags

1 comment:

  1. Glad you put pictures on of what they got at Target. Very nice sleeping bags and fun stuff to play with. Love the three kids sleeping out. So cute. Nice pictures and so much fun with you guys today! Love ya!
