Wednesday, June 3, 2015

June 3, 2015

This morning we got up and ate breakfast, got ready, and waited for Kimmy to come over. I got Rodys iPhone 6+ and Kimmy was getting my iPhone 6. She came here so Rody could do the switch. We ate lunch and had our coffee, then when her phone was done we headed to the rail trail to meet my mom to walk. It was a lot of fun. The kids and I picked a bunch of daisies. I picked some for Kenzie. Then after we were done with our walk we headed over to my moms. Adam had a Dr appointment so Jacob and Eli stayed with me at my mom and dads house. My mom and dad left and Kenzie got there shortly after. Kenzie was giving Eli, Peyton, and Isaac rides on Papas scooter. Eli loved it! Jacob didn't want to ride on it. 
Kimmy got there but she had to leave right away. Then we left, and Kenzie stayed till she had to go to work. We stopped at Jacks for some hamburger buns on the way home. Then we came home and I grilled hamburgers on the gril. Then we played outside. Then we went for a 2.5 mile bike...well I walked and the kids rode. They did such a good job! We came home and the kids played outside til bedtime. Isaac got in trouble so I made him go inside. I til him he could come out when he was done crying. But when he didn't come out for like 10min, I went in to check on him and found him like this. 
Kenzie got home and came out back, she played with Peyton for a while. Isaac woke up and came out with us. We all played catch with the big ball for a while. Then we went in and I got the kids in bed. I watched tv til bedtime.
Pics from today:
Trying to pick up Kenzie's feet


  1. Great pictures. Love the flower ones. Beautiful! Fun walk! Kids did good for going so far.

  2. Look like two little Rody's with the headphones on!
