Friday, June 12, 2015

June 12, 2014

Both kids climbed in bed with us this I woke up to that fun-ness! Then I got up and did some laundry and then gave the kids breakfast. Then I headed over to Melissas for a few min. I came home and took a shower while the kids played with play dough. Then got ready to go to Hannah's Wedding. 
It was so nice and such good food. It was so fun seeing all the Gager's! Can't believe our little Hannah is married! Wow! Here are some pictures:
The Groom 
Joshua and Mrs Gager
Drew, Gage, & Ethan
Norah & Liv
Mr Gager & Hannah
The groom watching his Bride come 
Great food!
Jared teaching Ethan a magic trick 
Dad doing the hokey pokey 
Hannah was in Melissas wedding now Melissa is at her wedding :)
Such a fun evening...would of been better if my tooth didn't hurt 😖 now I am going to bed to try not to think about it! 

1 comment:

  1. Sure was a nice wedding! Fun-ness? Is that a word? haha
