Thursday, June 18, 2015

June 18, 2015

Started the day with getting my tooth finished bright and early this morning. John (the Dr) didn't make me pay anything, and he said he will only charge me what the insurance covers. Which for me is such a blessing! Seriously!
I came home and got the kids and we headed over to Kimmys
Kenzie drove over to Kimmys after she got out of summer school
The chicken holding her finger lol
Kenzie feeding the guinea pig from her mouth haha
Peyton loved holding the kitten
Isaac loved holding the kittens too
These 3 techy nephews of mine lol

Puddle jumping 
Chicken chasing 
Walking Della
Kenzie and Della
These are Kimmys stones she got in Copper Harbor...they look so pretty
Fyrne...Kimmys newest addition
These kids are the best
I love when the boys wave goodbye to us in the window 
I stopped to get a shake and looked over and Kenzie was stalking me
My Mother's Day plant is finally taking off
I did 30 min of step ups and then watched tv til I went to bed


  1. Love your pictures!! I stole a few for my blog - haha.

    1. Haha that's fine! I'm glad you got caught up!
