Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 7, 2015

This morning we got up and went to church. After church we came home and ate lunch and then played outside til around dinner time. The kids ate dinner and then I started washing all the dishes in my cupboards, every single pot and pan and cup and plate...every dish I own! My dishwasher quit working and Kenzie out a bunch of dishes away that weren't clean, so I just wanted to do them all cuz it grossed me out! When I was about halfway done, Isaac dumped the whole container of fish food in the fish tank. I made him go to bed! What a mess! I had put the fish food on the refrigerator because they have fed the fish too much a couple times before...someone got it down and didn't put it back, I'm pretty sure I know who! 😡
Here is the fish tank clean:
And here it is full of fish food! Ugh!
It was so hard cleaning all them rocks! Took me an hour! I need s vacuum for the tank! 
Then I cleaned up and got back to doing dishes. Kenzie came home and cleaned up the house while I got the kids in bed and then she helped me do the dishes until I ran out of hot water. Then she worked on her book while I sat for a little bit. I'm finishing the dishes tomorrow! I am too tired! Going to bed now.
Here are a few pics from today:
Gum wrapper teeth
When we went in the kids were fighting so I made them hug it out lol
I did this app to see who I look more like, my mom or my dad and these are the results 
Then I decided to see what it said if I used Rody as Kenzie's Bio dad hahahaha
So I tried with a different pic of Kenzie haha
Then Peyton 
Then Isaac
Then I really started to have fun lol I was cracking up!
Kenzie and Peyton being weird!

1 comment:

  1. The like parent thing is pretty goofy. The one of you, dad and I seem pretty close though.
