Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 6, 2015

Hailey spent the night. Poor girl, my kids woke her up early! They were fighting over the iPad at like 7:30am. I got up with them and fixed their breakfast, then Hailey got up to eat. We played outside then walked to the park. Then we came back home and the kids played til we took Hailey home. Then Rody took Kenzie and Isaac to get haircuts. Isaac looks so cute. Kenzie just got the back shaved again. When I got home I fell asleep...when I woke up we went and visited Kenzie at work and then went to Grammys house for a little while. Peyton and I walked home. The kids went to bed right away and Rody and I watched 2 episodes of Crimes of the Century. Then I went to bed.
Here are some pics from today:
One of my bean plants in my garden
When we were getting the kids haircuts a guy getting a haircut had his dog in there with him. It was a poodle and Maltese mix. It was a very good dog. Sat in this spot til the guy was done with his cut, then followed him out and got in the front seat of the guys car haha. It was so funny!
This is the weirdest picture but it's right before Isaac got his haircut. He was so brave and walked over and climbed up in the barber chair all by himself. None of us could believe it!

Here's after his cut
Grammy popping bubble wrap with the kids 
Peyton did a cartwheel and ended it like this saying "mom look what I can do" haha

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