Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June 16, 2015

Today we got up and Grammy came over. Then we got ready and went to the spray park. The kids didn't really like it. They wanted to go to the spray pool so we left and headed over there. When we got home they played in the pool with bubbles in it. Then we went for a walk. We came back and had dinner and then left and went to Salvation Army and to the pet store and then Fathers day shopping. Then we came home. Kenzie was home from work so she came outside and we went down to Grammys and put a net on her basketball hoop. Then we came home and played around the world. After Kenzie won we went inside and got the kids in bed and then watched a movie til we went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. That spray park looks nice! Looks like Sanford Beach's spray park.
