Saturday, June 20, 2015

June 19, 2015

I'm This morning I got up and got Kenzie up so she could cut the grass. It was a nice cool sunshiny day! She got the grass all cut and then Kimmy and the kids came over. We pretty much hung out in the back yard all day. The kids played with bubbles, and on the swing set, and we are lunch, and then Kimmy and I took the treadmill out to the road. 
Mel called and told us that they were giving out free smoothies today at Tropical Smoothie, so we all got flip flops on and headed over to get our free smoothie. We waited a hour and 3 minutes for our smoothies, but it was fun because a girl who we used to work with was there with her twin girls. All the kids sat in a booth together. Jenny and her girls made the time go by fast. Each smoothie we got was worth almost $5 and we got 8 of them. So it was worth our wait! 
We left and headed home and Kimmy went home and when we got home Madi came over to spend the night. We got the kids in bed and went out and played around the world. Madi won, I took 2nd place, and Kenzie lost. Haha she blamed it on her sore legs, but me and Madi know that we are just better than Kenzie. Haha
After basketball, I went for a run/walk for 2 miles. Kenzie drove her car with Madi along side of me acting like they were trying to coax me into her car like a kidnapper. They thought they were super funny. We came home and watched TV til we went to bed.
Here are some pics from today. Thanks Kimmy haha

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