Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21, 2015 Happy Dad's Day!

This morning I got up and my tooth hurt so bad that I went and laid down and fell asleep til around 2pm. It was still hurting pretty bad and I was having a bad day and I had a migraine so I laid down with the kids. They fell asleep right away but I couldn't sleep anymore so I got up and cleaned the house. Then I grilled some chicken and made Alfredo noodles and then got the kids up and we ate dinner. Then we headed over to my mom and dads house. It sure is nice to have them home again! And super nice seeing my dad on Fathers Day! We had such a fun visit. Mel and Bruce and Hailey came over too. We stayed there til about 9. Then came home and the kids went to bed. I did 30 min of step ups and then watched tv til I went to bed.
Here are some pics from today.
I love my dad!
We got my dad a basketball and It was wrapped in wrapping paper and Peyton handed it to him and said "here's a basketball for you papa" haha
Mel and Brice got dad some headlamps which are super bright!
My parents are the brightest parents around ;)

1 comment:

  1. This was such a fun day. Thank you for the yummy chicken! Glad you all came over.
