Friday, June 5, 2015

June 5, 2015

IThis morning I got up and Rody was making pancakes for the kids. So I took a shower. Then I got the kids ready and we went to Nanas, Kimmy and the kids were there.
We sat outside and the kids played and then we came in for lunch. Then we went to a park around the corner from their house and walked some trails. It was a lot of fun! 
We headed back because I was watching Melissas kids for her while she took Evan to a doctor appointment. The kids played outside while we talked. Then we went inside and when Melissa got back we left. We took Hailey home with us. We went to Kroger on the way home cuz I had to get a couple groceries. Then we came home and ate dinner. After dinner Melissa came over to pick up her new phone that Rody got all switched over for her. Now we all have iPhones :)
After they left Hailey made bows with Kenzie and then watched a movie. Kenzie was working on a project with the kids. When they were done I got them ready for bed.
I can see my plants coming up in my garden which I am so excited about!!!
Here are pics from today.
Eli and Peyton going up the hill

Peyton and Nana skipping
Haileys first time on Papas scooter
My pea plants coming up
Me Kenzie and Hailey played around the world and I won. Kenzie got 2nd place and Hailey got 3rd place by 1 shot. Then Hailey and Inwaljed about 1.5 miles around the neighborhood. We came home and Ingot the kids in bed. Then we watched a movie and then I went to bed.

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