Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 22, 2015

This morning I got up and we headed over to my moms. Kimmy and her kids were there for the day. Mel and her kids came after a while. We had a great time. The weather was getting bad so Kimmy and Mel both headed home before the storm. And I stayed with my kids at my moms because we don't have a basement. We ended up watching a comedy and then playing a couple games. Isaac took a short nap. It was fun! 
This is my first black raspberry of the year :)
This is the hand I was dealt in 3/13
Then we went to Culvers for ice cream
Isaacs funny ice cream mustache 
I love these cute pictures of Papa with the kids
We all headed home. Kenzie went with nana and papa to spend the night. We came home and I got the kids in bed and then I finished knitting my dishcloth. Then did 30 min of step ups and watched tv til went to bed.

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