Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 9, 2015

This morning we all got up and ate breakfast then got ready because Daddy's brother Jamie is here and we were going out to lunch with him and Grammy. They came over here first and hung out for a few minutes before we went. We went to Quiznos. Grammy treated all of us. :) Kenzie got out of school early today and came to Quiznos too so that was nice! 
We came home and then we decided to go to Salvation Army. I got a skirt and a shirt to wear to Hannah's wedding Friday.   
I was happy I actually found something.
Then we came home and Kenzie left for work. We decided to walk down to Grammys to see her, Jamie, and a bonus Aunt Ann! We visited for a while and Unvle Jay gave the kids a cute card and each a $50 gift card to Target. The kids were super excited about their cards. Haha
We left and walked about 2 miles. On the way home the kids wanted to go see Uncle Jay again so we did. He was happy to see them! 
We came home and I sat on the porch while the kids rode bikes til 9pm. 
We came in and I got the kids in bed. Then I went out and hoed the garden and watered it. Then came in and took a bath then watched tv til I went to bed.

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