Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 24, 2015

This morning I got up. I weighed myself and lost 2 lbs. Then I noticed my tooth wasn't hurting anymore. Then Rodys mom called and said that Rodys brothers biopsy came back negative for cancer. And that was just the start of my amazing day! Then my mom called and asked if I wanted to meet her at the rail trail for a morning walk. Heck ya I did! We went 2 miles. After our walk we came to my house so my mom could watch the kids swim in the new pool for a little while. 
My mom had to leave to watch Melissas kids, and shortly after she left my dad came over and we went down to Grammys house so my dad could check out a leak in her bathroom. He surprised us and brought us a new dishwasher...mine quit working and I've been taking turns with Kenzie doing the dishes by hand...yuck! The dishwasher was a total surprise! It was definitely at the very top of my wish list, but I didn't think I'd be getting one til tax time next year. What a huge blessing! My dad and I took the old one out and then my dad put the new one in. I made chicken and mashed potatoes for my mom and dad for dinner. Wish I could of done more! They are just so sweet! 
After dinner we loaded the dishwasher and then my mom and I took a walk while my dad relaxed. The kids played basketball after our walk. 
My dad left, but my mom stayed til the dishes were done. It works so good! O and I forgot to mention that it's the same dishwasher as my mom and dad. It is so nice! After my mom left I got the kids in bed and then Kenzie and I played around the world with the neighbor girls...well they didn't play, they just got the ball for us lol.
This is the kids spraying Daddy with their sprayers from Nana haha
My dad surprised Kenzie and stopped in and had lunch with her at work. It was her first 8hr shift.
(My mom and dad are the best!)
After we were done with our basketball game we picked some Kale out of the garden. Then we washed it and made a chicken and kale salad. It was so yummy!!!
Here's my salad! It was so good!
Then we watched a movie and went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see your new dishwasher! Sounds like a great day!!
