Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 14, 2015

This morning I woke up at 11am. Still in a lot of pain, but the swelling has gone down a little bit. It feels much better if I'm laying down with my face pushed in a pillow. Hoping it feels better soon! My kids are being so good and Isaac keeps praying for my tooth. He's so sweet! 
After church Kenzie came home and then my mom and dad came to pick her and Madi up to go to the Parade in frankenmuth. Rody has to work and I decided to stay home because of my tooth. I haven't missed the parade ever I don't think, makes me so sad I couldn't go.
Rody and Isaac went to get me a chocolate shake from Tony's. I can't really eat anything else because they left my tooth exposed till Thursday. But I'm good with shakes! Haha
Rody left for work so me and the kids took a nap. When we woke up I made dinner...meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn. The kids ate really good.
I'm feeling much better now, still sore and swollen but much better.
My mom came and brought Kenzie home and brought Mocha over for the week.
After mom left the kids played and did tricks for me until bedtime.
Kenzie sent me some pics from today:

Kenzie showed the kids their baby footprints and they were so excited to see them:

Kenzie took the kids out to look at the garden
The kids are both sleeping with Kenzie tonight. After they went to bed I watched tv til I went to bed.

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