Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 13, 2015

This morning I woke up and my mouth was really swollen. The pain was almost unbearable so I went back to bed and tried to sleep it off. I slept til about 3:30pm. Finally it got so bad I decided to write the Dr who was fixing my tooth to see what I could do. He goes to my church so I am friends with him on Facebook. He called me and said he needed to do a partial root canal and drain the abscess right away because it was dangerous to have swelling down by the jaw. He got some staff and told me to meet him there in 20 min. So I headed over there and he looked at me and told me it was a good thing we didn't wait. So they did about 80% of the root canal. And then they drained the infection and it stunk so bad I could of gagged! It was nasty! He said it was all the way down to the bone. The numbing shots were the only thing I felt and it felt great to be numb and not feel any pain for a while.  I got home and felt pretty good as long as it was numbed. When when it wore off I wow was it painful. I could barely stand it. I went to bed early and stayed in bed til 11am but didn't sleep very good all night.
This is what it was like this morning, still looks about the same tonight.

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