Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 23, 2015

I slept in this morning. When I got up the kids went outside with me. We picked 4 black raspberries from our bush :) 
After the kids are lunch, they went swimming! They were so cute playing together in the pool! 
I was talking on the phone to Kimmy, Isaac wanted to talk. He was so cute talking to her with his big huge smile and huge dimples 
Then the kids and I went to Kroger to get some groceries. Then we stopped at Melissas. The kids were so excited to go in.
We came home and both kids fell asleep.

After they woke up I got them supper. Then we went to the rail trail and the kids rode their bikes and I walked. We went 2 miles. 

We came home and the kids wanted to ride down to Grammys house so we went down there. She gave them each a little Doctor kit, which they loved! Their favorite thing to do these days is play Doctor. 
I watched tv til I went to bed

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