Thursday, June 11, 2015

June 11, 2015

This morning I got up and the kids were still sleeping. Which is crazy because they are always up before us lately! When they woke up I gave them breakfast and then I went out and hoed my garden. The neighbor behind us was outside with his dogs, Kenzie has wanted to meet/pet them for a while now...she finally got her chance today. :) she was very excited! 
Then she went in and took a shower with Peyton and my tooth was hurting pretty bad so I called the dentist and they got me in right away. 
I need a root canal :(
I went to Jacks on the way home and got my meat. Then I went home and got it all separated in freezer bags and got the chicken all cut up and cleaned and seasoned. Then after Rody went to work, I left and met my mom at the rail trail. We walked while the kids rode their bikes. Peyton always goes fast but today Isaac was ahead of her a lot of the time, I was totally surprised!

 Then we went to Walmart. After we left Walmart, I had to pick up my prescriptions at Rite Aid. Then I came home, both kids were sleeping! They slept while I made dinner. I grilled chicken and made mashed potatoes and corn. It was so good! The kids ate all their chicken and both wanted more. 
After dinner they watched tv while I cleaned up. Then we went outside and played for a while. I decided to cut the grass while the kids played. The neighbor girls came over for a little while and then I finished and we went inside. We had a snack and then it was time for bed. I got the kids a quick treat for being good while I cut the grass then got them in bed. I'm pooped so I'm going to take a shower and hit the hay!

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