Monday, June 29, 2015

June 28, 2015

This morning we went to church. After church we came home but Kenzie went to the swimming pool party at the Pastors house. She said she had fun.
The kids picked some black raspberries and then they ate them.

Rody laid down to take a nap before work so me and the kids went to the shields festival carnival to sit with my mom and dad under their tent where they were passing out tracks and talking to people. And we walked around the carnival for a little bit. It was a lot of fun! The kids loved it!

This lady climbed to the top of this pole with no harness. She is 79 years old and she's been doing this since she was 14.
My mom and Gayla
We were really happy to get to see Wes and Gayla and their son Joel
Wes teaching Peyton a handshake
Someone stole Nanas phone
After we left the carnival, we went home and packed a lunch for dinner. We went to the rail trail and the kids ate their lunches. We hung out and the kids rode their bikes and we played drive-through until my friend Misty came and joined us for a walk. We walked while the kids rode their bikes a little over 2 miles.
"Look mom, we are sitting like Nana!" Haha
After we were done walking, Misty and I were talking in the parking lot and both kids fell asleep haha. 
They got right in bed when we got 
home. Kenzie got home from work and we watched tv til I went to bed.


  1. Wow I can't believe that lady climbing the pole - yikes! The kids are so funny sitting like Nana - haha

  2. Our pictures look a lot alike. Love how my sweet grandkids are so observant and know how I sit and are sweet enough to copy me. Precious
